T250 Flat White Striped Satin Sheets


  • Flat
  • White Tone on Tone Stripes
  • 0.5" stripe width
  • Price per Unit
  • White Satin
  • 300 thread count
  • Crease Resistant
  • Machine Washable


Beautiful, durable, and elegant T250 flat white striped satin sheets!

The T250 flat white striped satin sheets are a wonderful purchase and absolutely must-have for any bedroom ensemble!

Due to how soft the drape is, the resting at night will be a easier than ever before! Additionally, the sheets are crease resistant, meaning that they require little to no ironing! So much easier than having to iron out messy wrinkles and creases.

Furthermore, the sheets are flat, meaning that when you go to make your bed you won't have to encounter any difficulties stretching them to fit onto the bed. Just lay them out and relax- small inconveniences like that will be a thing of the past!

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